WHMCS Integrations

Liquid WHMCS Registrar Module Installations

  1. Get the API key
    1. Login to the reseller control panel (the url will be in the email you received when you signed up) and then go to Settings -> API.
    2. Please note your reseller ID at the bottom of the page.
    3. Click Add API Key button, enter the label and the IP address of the server where WHMCS is installed to authorize it for API access.
    4. On the same page, note down the API Key.
  2. Copy the whmcs module files
    1. Download WHMCS Registrar Module

    2. Extract the zip files to /YourLocalPath/whmcs/modules/registrars

    3. Remember to replace “/YourLocalPath” with the actual location where you installed WHMCS.

  3. Setup WHMCS Configuration
    1. Now, login to your WHMCS Administration Area
    2. Go to Setup > Products/Services > Domain Registrars
    3. Choose “Liquid” in the registrar dropdown menu and enter both the Reseller ID and API Key noted above.
    4. Then click Save Changes

And that’s it, WHMCS will now be able to communicate with your account to automate domain registration & management for your customers.

Synchron domain WHMCS with LIQUID

Synchron status Transfer in, expired date and status

This Feature is already included with WHMCS and it’s disabled by default. By enabling this feature, any domain activity such as status, expiry, and transfer status will sync with data in liquid. The following step to enable this feature are :

  • Setup > General Settings > Domains
    • Checklist domain Sync Enabled
    • Don’t choose Sync Notify Only
  • Add cronjob
    0 0 * * * php -q /YourPathWHMCS/crons/domainsync.php that Cronjob will call skrip crons/domainsync.php once a day. each called will have 50 domains to be synced in scrolling, if all domains have been synced then it will start all over again.

Synchron status Transfer out

LIQUID provide a cron that allows the domain already transferred out to update the status to Expired, the steps :

  • Download liquid cron here

  • Move the downloaded liquid folder to /YourPathWHMCS/crons/

  • Rename /YourPathWHMCS/crons/liquid/config.sample.php become /YourPathWHMCS/crons/liquid/config.php and then set this part :

    • Database connection
    $lq_cron_db = array(
            'host'     => 'localhost',
            'username' => 'username',
            'password' => 'password',
            'db'       => 'databaseName',
    • Set liqu.id account
    $lq_cron_registrar = array(
        'liquid' => array(
            'api_url'     => 'https://api.liqu.id/v1/',
            'reseller_id' => '',
            'api_key'     => '',
    • Add Cronjob

      0 0 * * * php -q /YourPathWHMCS/crons/liquid/synctransferout.php Once a day call the script crons/liquid/synctransferout.php to chek poll message, if there is a domain transfer out from liqu.id the status will change become expired. You can view log syncron at /YourPathWHMCS/crons/liquid/report/synctransferout-Y-m-d.log.

WHMCS Addon - LIQUID PANDI Document Management Module

This module provides tools for registrar / domain resellers who use LIQUID software. This module is used for document management of domain registration requirements in PANDI. The required documents can be uploaded using the WHMCS member area and can be managed by registrar/reseller through the WHMCS admin page. Documents that are already uploaded will be automatically sent through URL api.liqu.id thus making the approval process easier.

WHMCS Addon Installation for Uploading Documents to Liquid

Before you start, please download WHMCS AddOn Module Document Upload below :

  1. Create a new folder and name it documents in whmcs installed.
  2. Copy the addon files to folder modules/addons.
  3. Login.
  4. Go to Setup menu > Addon Modules, then activate addon.
  1. Configure addon, enter reseller id, apikey, and google recaptcha key (public & server). How to get a google recaptcha key can be seen here.
  1. Modify template to add links to Document Upload page.


Document Upload page can only be accessed in


Link directing to the page can also be added in file clientareadomaindetails.tpl in folder templates/{active_template}/

Example of link code:

<a href=”index.php?m=liquid_upload_document&domain_id={$domainid}” class=”btn btn-primary”>Upload Document</a>

How to get Google Recaptcha Key

  1. Go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin#list
  2. Create a new sitekey
  1. Select a sitekey
  1. Take public key and secret key
https://liquid-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_images/recaptcha3.png https://liquid-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_images/recaptcha4.png


Since this addon uses a recaptcha service from google, you will need a captcha key you can get after registering in recaptcha.

WHMCS Addon - LIQUID DNSSec Management Module

This module provides tools for registrars/domain resellers who use LIQUID software. This software is used for DNSSec data management with LIQUID module registrar. To use this module, make sure that you already use LIQUID module registrar on the domain you register. Only domains that are already registered in LIQUID can use this DNSSec module.

WHMCS Addon Installation for DNSSec Management

Before you start, please download WHMCS AddOn Module Liquid DNSSec Management:

  1. Extract the files you just downloaded.
  2. Copy folder liquiddnssec from folder modules/addons to folder modules/addons in whmcs user directory.
  3. Login as administrator.
  4. Go to Setup menu > Addon Modules, and then activate addon.
  1. Configure addon, enter Reseller ID and Apikey
  1. After the installation and configuration is done, Liquid DNSSec submenu will appear in Addons menu on the admin page.
  1. DNSSec Management submenu will also appear on the sidebar of Manage menu on the client domain details page.

WHMCS Addon - LIQUID PANDI Premium Domain Management Module

This module provides tools for registrar / domain resellers who use LIQUID software. This module is used for management of PANDI Premium domain.

WHMCS Addon Installation for PANDI Premium Domain

Before you start, please download WHMCS AddOn Module PANDI Premium Domain below :

  1. Set min length restriction domain and max length restriction domain according to tld premium domain which will be registered in configuration.php file.
Example : $DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".co.id"] = 2;
          $DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".co.id"] = 63;
  1. Extract the files you just download.
  2. Copy the addons file to folder modules/addons.
  3. Copy this template file according folder structure. The original file should be backup first.
a. /templates/orderforms/standart_cart/configureproductdomain.tpl
b. /templates/orderforms/standart_cart/domainregister.tpl
c. /templates/orderforms/standart_cart/viewcart.tpl
d. /templates/orderforms/standart_cart/common.tpl
e. /templates/orderforms/standart_cart/js/addons_liquid_domain_premium_price/scripts.js (for whmcs 8)
f. /templates/orderforms/standart_cart/js/addons_liquid_domain_premium_price/scripts.min.js (for whmcs 8)
  1. Login to your WHMCS Administration Area.
  2. Go to Setup menu > Addons Modules, and then activate addons.
  1. Configure addon, Enter TLD and choose role user who can access this addons.
  1. After the installation and configuration is done, Premium Domain .ID submenu will appear in Addons menu on the admin page.
  1. And then, set domain TLD, currency, and enter price.

Example :

  1. When check premium domain availibilty at whmcs, it will show premium price.