Blesta Integrations

Liquid Blesta Registrar Module Installations

  1. Get the API key
    1. Login to the reseller control panel (the url will be in the email you received when you signed up) and then go to Settings -> API.
    2. Please note your reseller ID at the bottom of the page.
    3. Click Add API Key button, enter the label and the IP address of the server where Blesta is installed to authorize it for API access.
    4. On the same page, note down the API Key.
  2. Copy the Blesta module files
    1. Download Blesta Registrar Module here.
    2. Extract the zip files to /YourLocalPath/components/modules
    3. Remember to replace “/YourLocalPath” with the actual location where you installed Blesta.
  3. Setup Blesta Configuration
    1. Now, login to your Blesta Administration Area
    2. Go to Setting and then choose menu Modules
    3. Choose Modules - Available
    4. Choose “Liquid” in the Available Modules. Click Install
    5. Go to menu Modules - Installed. Click Manage and then Add Account
    6. Enter both the Reseller ID and API Key noted below
    7. Then click Add Account

And that’s it, Blesta will now be able to communicate with your account to automate domain registration & management for your customers.